Wednesday, May 09, 2007


0 observations

The final poem in the "Fates", this one represents Atropos, the mystic Fate whose purpose was to cut the thread of life, determining the time and manner of a mortals death.


the edge is sharp that cuts the line -
and lets us fall to the divine
or in the pit of our own hand
we carved with care as our life spanned
the years of tears
and nights of light
we hid in shadows -

to escape
like cunning creatures
in the dark
we scuttled 'neath
Ygdrasil's bark -

the infestation of our shame
or pride we hide behind the blame
for all our follies
all our tears
all our prayers
and all our fears -

the thread is snipped
without our word -

an end to spend
the coin absurd.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

0 observations:

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