Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Prayer for Life and Love

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This amazing photo by and of my dear friend Mariya Andryichuk inspired me (in more ways than one. Yes, she is a gifted artist with a soul and a presence of thought that is quite moving, but I will admit she is remarkably lovely, as well...)
A Prayer for Life and Love

Soul to dreams, dreams to thoughts and reveries
I cannot always explain in words and tricks of light.
A touch, a kiss, a prayer for life and love that sees
further than the withered sedge and edge of a night
never wasted, for it sustained me to this moment
that I might catch that spark of the divine in you,
a flicker of a soul so radiant it hides deep to prevent
those who are unworthy from reaching for it, a view
or echo of the essence of angels buried in the tapestry
where the casual observer may miss it, lost in tracing
only the patterns they can comprehend. Missing beauty,
real beauty, more than mere flesh that sends blood racing
with the acknowledgment that you are not just beautiful,
but a path into seven Heavens in a kiss of the spiritual.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

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    You will note, gentle reader, that all works under this blog now display "tags" to help classify and assign the works for your review and enjoyment.

    These largely fall into 4 categories:

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    Book published in, e.g. "from an unexpected quarter"
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    Genre, e.g. "erotica"

    We are still in the process of cleaning up the tags, so please bear with us. Yes, some muses are classified under more than one tag, some poems appear in more than one book, or not yet in any volume, and some years are...hazy.
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