Thursday, June 30, 2011

silent Sundays

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struck enough, the crystal cracks and we are so fascinated
by the light that sparkles off the man-made flaws. we forget
and stand too close. the brisant report of the facets' fail
and we are showered with the razor splinters of our folly.
jolly good fun to the observers. but there is still a pulse,
deep within the core of this frame and I am not one given
to more than an acknowledgement of difficulties. blood and pain
are not reason or season to turn tail and run to the horizon.
battered, yes. bruised, yes. but even when the tethers slip
my grip on the headboard where you bound me with a promise...
remains. hurry home.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

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    You will note, gentle reader, that all works under this blog now display "tags" to help classify and assign the works for your review and enjoyment.

    These largely fall into 4 categories:

    Year of writing, e.g. "1999"
    Book published in, e.g. "from an unexpected quarter"
    Inspiring muse, e.g. "Aubergine"
    Genre, e.g. "erotica"

    We are still in the process of cleaning up the tags, so please bear with us. Yes, some muses are classified under more than one tag, some poems appear in more than one book, or not yet in any volume, and some years are...hazy.
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