Friday, February 21, 2020
0 observations

On tour last week, I read at the Monongalia Arts Center (MAC), for the first time publicly, the crown of sonnets from QUINTESSENCE known as "The Sonnets of Grace":

The Sonnets of Grace:  I

Than any spring of deep earth! Beauty sure!
You are the nature of passion and peace,
argent angel made manifest to cure
the sorrows of my brittle soul, to cease
my greytint memories and bring colour:
Fields of bright blossoms to the horizon!
Fed by the cold mineral water, pure
as a virgin’s first kiss, a kind reason
to shield the light of brisant meander
that draws our eyes from the prize of real joy
to find kindred soul to inspire wonder
and break open my heart as an envoy
of fantastic land of dreams envisioned.
I shall surrender worlds unimagined!

The Sonnets of Grace:  II

I shall surrender worlds unimagined,
to pale the Duke’s gift to his courtesan.
You are more than flesh and fantasy, sinned
and again, altar for my desire, plan
of a seduction to the royal line.
Temptress arcane and alabaster, heat
meets a sweet defeat in your fire divine.
Your flesh is as soft as angel’s kiss, sweet
and otherworldly.  Penetrative promise
and the persuasion of your innocence,
oil and water heated to precipice
with the true language of romance, defense
I tear aside the lace and silk, false skins,
abdicate my throne and atone my sins

The Sonnets of Grace:  III

Abdicate my throne and atone my sins,
ruling in façade, fallen force majeure
to make request to test the truth of skins
in contact to merge, sacred and impure,
lightning in your mouth, your lips are prophets
in the desert of all false lovers’ dreams,
the blasphemy of chalk oaths, epithets,
the shadow of panthers and curdled creams.
Ruling from the boudoir, iron scepter
and velvet throne.  Lesser immolation
to sheathe heat against the pagan specter
that makes mockery of subjugation.
I would lay aside my red cassock, sinned
to be within your grace, to be the wind.

The Sonnets of Grace:  IIII

To be within your grace, to be the wind
that passes through you, leaving trace eddies
that empower and deflower your heart, spinned
dust devils riding out the decades breeze
and cyclone, hurricane and zephyr blown
from the clouds of your beauty to summon
all manner of mischief and legend known
to future generations as some one
who inspired poetry and envy, lust
and worship of pale divinity brought
to life and placed among us to entrust
us with the secrets of the holy, taught
in emancipated flesh, feral skins,
in a desert of barren bones that pins.

The Sonnets of Grace:  V

In a desert of barren bones that pins
you to the ground.  The sound of the sorrows
of failed lovers, timid tale of the sins
of inadequate passions, tomorrows
cast away for the moment, yet unmoved
by the logic of the heart or the touch
of hands and glands that had not planned unproved
strategies, dependent on blind luck such
that even the gods laugh derisively.
You drew me here to make my sacrifice
on your pale flesh, the spill of white wine, free
of constraints that might taint the boatman’s price,
shackled by lips that kiss and hearts that pound
the bravest and the boldest to the ground.

The Sonnets of Grace:  VI

The bravest and the boldest to the ground,
bound and tormented, rebellion fomented
in the name of a goddess, an unsound
faith based on predisposed and demented
oaths of belief, grief for lost years and tears
shed red in crevices of memory.
Cinnabar sins, we are yet crippled by fears
that grind us down like harpy’s emery,
sharpening the poignant poniard that will
penetrate more than willing hips, the rush,
the crush, the flush of release, little kill
and faint awareness of endorphin push
through to paramour of the romanesque,
we are flesh and blood and the arabesque.

The Sonnets of Grace:  VII

We are flesh and blood and the arabesque.
Inconsistency, our consistent trait,
our beauty and grace conquers the grotesque
remnants of our sod-bound uprising, fate
and the sound of dripping wax as time burns.
But your soul is, itself, beautiful.
Time may mark its passage in twists and turns
that lay tracks around your eyes, terrible
demolitions of our bodies and minds,
cursing us our mortality and more.
Even stilled and cold, I would hold the binds
of ancient oaths to your flesh and heart, lore
of my mythos, passion will not unbound
in visions from Poe and Lovecraft, each sound.

The Sonnets of Grace:  VIII

In visions from Poe and Lovecraft, each sound,
darkness lingers, stingers in the green fields
where lovers would lay, only to be struck, bound
by dark forces, where hope to madness yields.
I seek a deeper prick than mere nettles,
a transient insanity of blood heated
on and in your altar of where settles
only the red blood and white wine, meted
injustice for the soft to the savage,
a passion play of hungry religion
taking communion in forms that ravage
one another, the merging division
decreed by design, heroes picaresque
echoing in chilled depths of souls, grotesque.

The Sonnets of Grace:  VIIII

Echoing in chilled depths of souls, grotesque
though our feral entanglement may seem,
it is not quanta or the picturesque
pretense of an ardent virgin’s wet dream,
filled with illusions, misapprehensions
about how it is all supposed to work
when we merge to purge solitude, tensions
uncoiled then soiled in a three-ring cirque
of your surrender and your demands, made
and unmade, the linen, immolative,
consume, itself in shame for what was said
in the ancient tongues of lovers, suasive
in both silence and in eloquence due,
with the malformations we are heir to.

The Sonnets of Grace:  X

With the malformations we are heir to
it is miracle that we comprehend
the frailest of our failings, hearts passed through
the baptism of our saddest times, defend
our cynicism with doubt and the cold
calculus of our barnacled souls, hard
as Pharaoh’s damnation, denying bold
prophecy and the word of God, long scarred
by our own illusions that we are fit
to pit wits against the fates themselves, mad
with our own pain and gaining no acquit
in insanity pleas, lost hearts that had
fair hope to re-enter the grand circuit:
affection and desire, the live wire.

The Sonnets of Grace:  XI

Affection and desire, the live wire,
funeral pyre, the spire of the temple
we throw down from, fulfilling the desire
to both give and take the waking, simple
in the equation, but the prayers are long
and complicated, speaking in the tongues
old before mortals messed it all up, song
of Solomon and Kama Sutra, rungs
of Jacob’s ladder, electrocuting
inadequate supplicants on their quest,
their pilgrimage, purging the polluting
perfume of forgotten blossoms to test
purest of scalds; skalds speak our legend, true,
that grounds us to the beauty we are due.

The Sonnets of Grace:  XII

That grounds us to the beauty we are due,
and this finds our paths a laughing torment.
between the poles and pages we wage new
dogmas:  Who we are and deserve, torment
of our inner selves and shelves of scribblings
of mad philosophies of God and love
that burn away and give to the nibblings
of the vermin that infest us, above
the marquee moments we aspire to,
demanding our due and paying our dues
in currency of colding kisses, true
to our pretensions, our hearts we will bruise
before bursting into eloquent fire,
letting slip flip platitudes of desire.

The Sonnets of Grace:  XIII

Letting slip flip platitudes of desire.
More on my lips than words, your sweet essence
drips in sated statement of rutting gyre
as you cry out to prove that my presence
meets your criteria for further feasts.
I make no command, no barter demand
of treasure for treasure, for heated beasts
do their natures and I will gladly stand
glad to enter whatever covenant
you offer me, patience is the virtue
of the lover.  Reticence resident
shall vacate to make room for me, anew.
Here is proof of my inspiration, sure.
There is truth in my eloquence, more pure.

The Sonnets of Grace:  XIIII

There is truth in my eloquence, more pure
than any tantalus flood, a spring struck
by a prophet to demonstrate the cure
of despair is hope and prayer, beyond luck
in the toss of the dice, the price of fools.
Luck is but persistence in random
models of chaos theory, dreary rules
describing a universe near awesome
as the peace of your presence, evidence
of something grander than science, the glim
of the less dim options over the fence
into infinite plains of daisies, rim
of oceans we swim to, more sweet and pure
than any spring of deep earth! Beauty sure!

The Sonnets of Grace:  Diadem

I shall surrender worlds unimagined.
Abdicate my throne and atone my sins
to be within your grace, to be the wind
in a desert of barren bones that pins
the bravest and the boldest to the ground.
We are flesh and blood and the arabesque
in visions from Poe and Lovecraft, each sound
echoing in chilled depths of souls, grotesque
with the malformations we are heir to.
Affection and desire, the live wire
that grounds us to the beauty we are due,
letting slip flip platitudes of desire.
There is truth in my eloquence, more pure
than any spring of deep earth! Beauty sure!

William F. DeVault.  all rights reserved.

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    Explaining the Tags

    You will note, gentle reader, that all works under this blog now display "tags" to help classify and assign the works for your review and enjoyment.

    These largely fall into 4 categories:

    Year of writing, e.g. "1999"
    Book published in, e.g. "from an unexpected quarter"
    Inspiring muse, e.g. "Aubergine"
    Genre, e.g. "erotica"

    We are still in the process of cleaning up the tags, so please bear with us. Yes, some muses are classified under more than one tag, some poems appear in more than one book, or not yet in any volume, and some years are...hazy.
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